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Table of Contents
A Syllabus of Questions
A Syllabus of Questions
Who is in charge here, and why?
What do we need to know about the instructor?
What is the instructor's role in the course?
What did I think I was signing up for?
Why did I sign up for this course?
What is the story being told?
Where are we headed? By which route?
What will it take to get there?
What do we hope to come out of the course with?
Are there applications for future careers?
What further study should this course prepare us for?
What skills will we develop?
What kind of class community do we hope to foster?
What kinds of activities will help us learn and demonstrate that we have done so?
Is there a final project? What would be most constructive and appropriate to the material?
Are there other major projects throughout the course?
What kinds of habits should we be practicing on a daily or weekly basis?
What do we expect of ourselves in class time?
What are the activities that our grades should reflect?
What activities should not be graded?
How can we break each activity down to ensure it is graded fairly?
Is there a process of revision or repetition?
What happens if there is a dispute about a grade?
How do we commit to carrying ourselves, and how do we expect to be treated?
What happens when conflict arises?
What do we need to do to ensure the course is accessible for all participants?
Do we understand and accept the expectations for our conduct set out by the university?
How do we change these agreements and this syllabus when necessary?
Who determines what happens when?
What is a reasonable expectation for what can be accomplished each week?
If the pace isn't working, how do we know and what do we do?