Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- _International Journal of Communication_ 10 (June 2016) **Exploit: Do something worthwhile with an old ... tp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07393148.2016.1189027?journalCode=cnps20&)," _New Political Science_ 38, no. 3 (2016) * Dymitri Kliener, _[The Telekommunist Manifes... uture of Work and a Fairer Internet}}_ (OR Books, 2016) * Explore [The Internet of Ownership](https:
- introduction_to_social_media
- Social Media Archaeology and Poetics_ (MIT Press, 2016) [campus network access required] Artifact: [Fir... for the Internet](https://feministinternet.org/) (2016) Quest: Propose a manifesto of principles that y... https://archive.org/details/loandbehold_202001)_ (2016) Quest: None---focus on your pitches! --- [ [[
- connected_media_practices
- rticle/view/4764) ([HTML](https://loriemerson.net/2016/06/25/as-if-or-using-media-archaeology-to-reimagi... ))," _International Journal of Communication_ 10 (2016) ### For whom? (9/23) * Ferrier and Mays: "[Cus... parative Labor, Law, and Policy Journal_ 37 (2015-2016) * Guy Standing, "[The Precariat](https://journal
- hacker_culture
- tp://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions/)" (December 31, 2016) **Exploit: Teach yourself a bit of a computer l... t/9-simone-browne/)," _Imagine Otherwise_ (May 4, 2016) * Jessica M. Goldstein, "[Meet The Woman Who D
- global_media_literacy
- ry](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/01/amazon-web-services-data-center/423147/)," _The Atlantic_ (January 8, 2016) * Outline Project 2 and start forming groups
- future_histories_of_technology
- 545878/html#contents)_ (Harvard University Press, 2016) * _[Stories from Tomorrow: Exploring New Technol
- email_etiquette
- com/@lportwoodstacer/how-to-email-your-professor-without-being-annoying-af-cf64ae0e4087)" (Apr 26, 2016)