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Tag: politics

  • Times of Need

    Tonight, quoth the president:”This is an extraordinary period for America’s economy.” Which you might think sounds good, until: We’ve seen triple-digit swings in the stock market. Major financial institutions have teetered on the edge of collapse, and some have failed. As uncertainty has grown, many banks have restricted lending, credit markets have frozen, and families…

  • Soldiering for Obama

    Today my dear friend Jake and I set out early from our politically-taken-for-granted New York City for Philadelphia, two hours away (well, three with our incompetent Greyhound driver). By late morning we arrived at a canvass-a-thon in south Philly hosted by Terry McAuliffe, a Democratic operative who ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The idea was to…

  • My Contribution to the Palin Mess

    I’ve done it and (on my father’s suggestion, actually) put my knowledge of evolution controversies to “use” and written something for a political website about Sarah Palin. It goes a little something like this: When John McCain announced his intention to make a freshman — and female — Alaska Governor the next vice president on…

  • Rampage in Minneapolis

    A dear friend of mine, Nicole Salazar, was peacefully filming protests at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis when police in riot gear assaulted her, cornered her, and dragged her on the ground before arresting her and charging her with a felony. Here is the horrifying video she recorded during the assault: The next day…